RYSL is always looking for coaches, if you are interested in coaching soccer, please contact us
All volunteers must complete a CORI, concussion training and other necessary training as provided by the league throughout the year.
Volunteers interested in coaching, please visit the Mass Youth Soccer website here https://www.mayouthsoccer.org/adult-registration-process/
R.Y.S.L Code of Conduct
Roxbury Youth Soccer League Code of Conduct
It is the goal of R.Y.S.L to engage the children and families of Roxbury and surrounding neighborhoods to the game of soccer. Therefore, appropriate behavior is expected of all participants, coaches, staff, volunteers and parents.
R.Y.S.L reserves the right to excuse any participant, coach, staff, volunteer or parent that does not adhere to R.Y.S.L Code of Conduct. Roxbury Youth Soccer League Code of Conduct
1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by being a positive role model
2. I will make every effort to make sure my child is at each practice, game and any R.Y.S.L event on time.
3. I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing, taunting or using profane language or gestures, etc.
4. I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all
I will show respect for all participants at all times
5. I will support the rules and regulations of the program. If I do not understand the rules, I will speak with an R.Y.S.L team member at an appropriate time for clarification.
6. I will be involved! I understand that R.Y.S.L is successful in part due to parental involvement and I will pledge to help keep that tradition alive.
1. I will conduct myself with honor and dignity and treat outer players as I would like to be treated. I know that at all times
2. I will follow coaching direction and not be disruptive during practice or games.
3. I will treat my coaches, teammates, fans, and those of other organizations with respect at all times; regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability and I will be treated accordingly.
4. If I have problem with something, I will discuss it with my coaches at the earliest opportunity.
5. I will be modest and respectful when I win and gracious when I lose.
6. I will show respect for the authority of the referee, even though I may disagree with his/her calls.
7. I will play by the rules at all times and if I do not understand the rules, I will attempt to learn them so I can become a better player.
8. I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and have fun.